Sunday, November 9, 2008

Games Information

♥ Games Master

♥LifelyMS guild master

♥ Rules & Regulation in LifelyMS
=No cursing/swearing/insulting are allow toward GMs or Players.
=No vulgarities is allow.
=No Hacking or 3rd party client is allow.
=No Spamming in game or tagboard is allow.
=No other guilds other den GM Guild is allow.
=No advertising of our server without our approval.
=Pls stick to 1 User = 1 Acc = 1 Character policy.
=Anyone caught create acc/char for mesos will be ban.
=If you fail to obey any of the above, we can ban you from our server

** GM have the right to ban player without giving reason.

For Bugs found in the server please report to any GM or on the Blog. Players will get their reward randomly



